One main question I get from a lot of "would-be" readers of Too Precious For Earth, is why I wrote this book? Good question, but hard to answer with just one response! When my son died I felt completely alone in this huge world. Even with countless support from family, friends, co-workers, etc., I still felt "wrong." I turned to reading and journaling my thoughts. Unfortunately, there are not many books written on child loss that I could associate with. A few I loved and re-read many times, but I wanted real-life stories; ones that spoke to me on the level I was currently at. Ones that didn't read like an informative text-book (these are the stages of grief, this is what you need to expect, this is what you should do, blah, blah, blah). This may sound harsh, but it was how I felt at the time. I knew what I felt like and what I was going through, what I didn't know was that I wasn't alone in how I felt. The craziness and physical pain I was feeling was normal--and there were other people out there that had gone through what I had and had survived. There was also the flip-side; ones who never were able to pull themselves out of the abyss of grief. I was only able to find these facts out by searching and scouring the Internet. One of my true loves--reading--was failing in that category.
I spent multiple hours on-line finding forums and websites to help me through my pain, and many were wonderful, but I still wanted books I could read, re-read, write in the margins, cry over, laugh over, and take my pain away.
Then, I met Richard Paul Evans. He changed my life; he convinced me to turn the journals of my experiences into a book that would help others. A book that would read like a novel, reaching out to those of us that wanted to read a real story about child loss--going through the same trials, tears, laughter, joy, ups and downs, and everything associated with what it feels like to lose a part of yourself. So, with his help and guidance, I wrote Too Precious For Earth: A Little Miracle That Will Change Your Life. (Clicking on the previous link will take you to a YouTube book trailer video about the book).
Another great joy this book has brought me, was winning the "League of Utah Writers" Olive Wooley Burt Award. The award is given each year for a great non-fiction published book. What an honor!
So many people benefit from reading this book. If you just want a good read, if you have lost a child, if you know someone that has lost a child, if you want to understand what a parent goes through that has lost a child, or if you simply want to read a true story about a little boy that changed the world around him in a very short amount of time here on earth; this book is for all of you. If you'd like to read some reviews about the book, click here and let me know what you think!
Please help me spread the word about my book! I am a featured author in the "Bookwise Author Blog Party" this week, and to reward those who are helping to share this amazing story, I'm having a contest to give away three copies of my book, and several eBooks!
There are several ways you can win this week:
1. Become a fan of my Facebook page here and leave a comment for me.
2. Leave a comment on this blog post and become a follower.
3. Visit my website and sign up to receive my quarterly inspirational newsletter here.
4. If you are already a fan on Facebook, simply leave a comment for me regarding this blog post.
5. If you have read the book already and would like another for a gift or an eBook, you can win by leaving
a review of the book on Amazon, Deseret Book, Barnes & Noble, or Borders.
6. If you buy the book, you can also win a free eBook version. Here are several sites you can buy it from.
Deseret Book
Barnes & Noble
Make sure you leave a review where you purchase the book from to qualify for the contest.
Also, the more ways you enter to win the book, the better chances you have of winning! I will be running this contest the week of July 17th through the 23rd, and the winners will be announced by August 1st. Thank you for your support!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Book Contest
This coming Sunday, July 17th, I will add a blog post telling you the story behind my book and how you can win a copy or eBook. Don't forget to check back here on Sunday!!! This is part of a huge event where you can win many different things from over 50 different authors. Don't miss out!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Book Give-away Contest!
This weekend I will be posting info about how you can win a free book or eBook of Too Precious For Earth. Keep checking back for more details!
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