
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Review of The Peasant Queen

First of all, I love fantasy books and can’t ever get enough of them. That being said, I was excited to read The Peasant Queen, by Cheri Chesley, solely because of the genre. Cheri’s first novel proves she has chosen her topic well. The entire book was entertaining, exiting, and overall a fun adventure. I finished it in one weekend because I couldn’t put it down!

The story begins with a farm girl named Krystal. It focuses on her life and the different events surrounding her betrothal to a man she truly doesn’t want to marry. Then, forces take place that whisk her away to a kingdom far from her own, showing bits of magic along the way that keep you interested. I’ll admit, I’m hoping that in her next book she will focus more on the magic employed, but I’ll just have to wait!

All of the elements we love about fantasy are involved in this story; magic, bravery, courage, mystery, intrigue, and most of all—character development. I truly enjoyed getting to know each character along the way. The main characters are given their due in the descriptions of their lives and you feel you know them personally.

One of my favorite aspects of Cheri’s writing is the sarcasm she intertwines throughout the entire story. I myself am a person that loves humor. The best books involve intrigue and laughter rolled into one, and Cheri writes perfectly with both. Reading The Peasant Queen was very enjoyable for me, and I can’t wait until the next book comes out! I would recommend it to readers of all ages. Buy the book on Amazon or at any bookstore.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yes, it's official, I'm a blogging slacker. It seems as though I get so busy that my blog suffers from neglect! So here's a quick one to make me feel accomplished...

I realized today that it's so easy to change someone's day. All I did was make eye contact with people I passed in the halls at school and smiled at them. The bright, happy look in their eyes made me giggle inside!

Try it and see what happens! Just make eye contact with people around you and SMILE!